On June 22, 2019 52 Hike Challenge co-founder, Karla, joined 12 hikers in Boulder, Colorado for a pop-up hike. While at the hike, participant Jules Marie, suggested we all think of a line or two for a poem. Here's what we came up with:

Gaiters remembered
Click. Camera. Died.
Rain withstood
Dry and sunny
Perfect harmony
Belting Queen virgin
Mindfulness warmth
Childlike puddle-jumps
Mud splatters
Re-formed and reformed
Got your pack
Nature + Strangers – Rain = 52
Cold, unforgiving clay
Unexpected friendships
Fresh after the rain
Mud softer than sand
Joyful laughter
Misty fog
Trails inspire
We are one
Journey through mountains of the soul
Mama, don’t stop believing!

Thank you to our sponsors Sawyer Products and REI for helping us to get out to Colorado and James Kao Photo for the images!