"My first hike in the challenge was also "first day" hike in the sense that it was on January 1, 2020. Two friends and I rushed to throw on some snowshoes and head into WI Interstate park as sunset was nearing.

It had just snowed, so the woods trees were blanketed and the woods sparkled like a winter wonderland. Laughing and struggling along the way, as we hit the big overlook point the most incredible sunset lit the sky on fire and took our breath away. We could feel the magic in the air of being in the right place at the right time with the right people. Its a moment that I will never forget and always hold close. A photo from that evening even made US Interior's social media it was so beautiful!"
What helped you stay motivated to finish the 52 Hike Challenge?
"Honestly, it came so easy to me. It was not hard to stay motivated when it brings me so much joy. I love getting into photography while I am out, too!"
Favorite Trails:
Anything in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway!
Follow Kate Wright on Instagram @ski.kc