RISE: A Call to Adventure

Join us for a month of saying “Yes” to yourself and life! You will be guided on exercises to help align you with yourself and nature.

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About Our Transformation Program

Embarking on a journey of 52 hikes within a single year might initially feel daunting. The good news is that it is scientifically proven that breaking down big goals into smaller ones can help you succeed. That's why we're thrilled to unveil our meticulously crafted 12-step program, thoughtfully tailored to unfold over the course of each month, guiding you toward not just conquering, but surpassing, your hiking and personal growth aspirations. If that wasn’t enough, these steps are aimed to help you mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally throughout the course of your life. Each month will have a unique thematic focus, complemented by a nurturing community, and personalized guidance by Karla, founder of the 52 Hike Challenge. So, gear up and get ready to embark on a transformative journey that promises not only breathtaking landscapes but also profound personal growth. 

Month 1: A Call to Adventure

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This month will be focused on saying “Yes” to yourself and life! We all have a purpose or reason for being here. It is our goal to help you get clear on your vision this month.

This month is also for those who are burned out, need a rest, or just want to get back to their true essence!

By saying yes to this month challenge, you are creating a space and time to reconnect with yourself and nature!

She’s a powerful teacher and healer.

What You Get When You Sign Up 



E-book to Guide you on your journey which includes journaling prompts, meditations, mantras, and more


You'll get two (2) LIVE group coaching sessions with Karla


You'll get access to a vibrant community of individuals sharing this program with you


Access to our Hiking 101 Course - a $19.99 value

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Here’s What You’ll Get This Month:

  • Week 1: You’ll receive a guided visualization
  • Week 2: You'll be provided with a Journaling sheet and prompt
  • Week 3: You'll receive a Mantra to meditate on
  • Week 4: We will integrate the month's lessons and learnings so we can embody these teachings and move forward with deeper clarity and guidance.
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RISE July 2024 Program
RISE July 2024 Program

RISE July 2024 Program


About Karla

In 2012, Karla was at her lowest point in life. Her marriage was over, she was depressed, and had not achieved any purpose in her life. 

In 2014, Karla set a goal to hike once a week for a year, she had no idea the immense impact hiking and nature would have on her. She set out for her 52 hikes and on the way found healing, redemption, confidence, forgiveness and so much more. The journey was so powerful and impactful that she decided she needed to share her story with others - and that is how the 52 Hike Challenge was born. 

Since launching, the challenge has gone on to impact hundreds of thousands of lives, created more than a million moments outside, and has gone on to help people find healing, clarity and significance in their own lives. 

Since her healing journey started in 2012, Karla has studied emotional, spiritual, mindset modalities and how to use these tools to empower us to heal and become the highest vision for ourself. She currently studies with healer, spiritual teacher and environmental guardian La’ne Saan Moonwalker. She has over 12 years of meditation practice, has insight of the power of inner work and has even completed the 12-Steps..

Through these mini-challenges Karla will take you through the 12 steps of healing she developed in her own 52 Hike Challenge. It is her hope you too can find freedom, joy and empowerment through the outdoors. Who knows, maybe you'll even find your purpose. 

Welcome to your new life!

Join Our 52 Hike Challenge Community


I lost my father to lung cancer in June of 2022, and became distant with my mother months later due to her mental instability. I was going down a dark slope mentally and knew I needed to do something for myself. I began therapy, but knew I needed something physical. So I thought the 52 hike challenge would be something positive to strive for. Getting out in nature was very healing, allowed me to connect with my inner self, and helped me to forgive things I didn’t even know I needed to. – Melanie Snyder

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The 52 hike challenge saved my life. I was mentally & physically in a bad place after being sick for over 25 yrs... Joining the challenge got me outside (in the cold Michigan weather) and motivated me to get my life back. Then, because I started hiking, my husband & I started going on camping road trips to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, etc just to go hike in the mountains. When I started the challenge in Jan of 23 I was happy to hike 1-2 miles on flat ground in MI. My favorite hike was 9 months later at Glacier National Park when I hiked 12 miles with. 2,500 ft of elevation gain. It was a dream come true. Because my husband has been my hiking partner, & we were recent empty nesters, our hiking trips allowed us to reconnect & fall in love again. I owe a lot to the 52 week challenge... – Denise Dunayczan

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